Our mission

  • A key aspect of our mission implies the collaboration with actors of all kinds: academic researchers and lecturers, private companies but also funding bodies



Our jobs

  • Professionalism and expertise are Lyon Ingénierie Projets’s assets for all your innovation projects


Our references

  • Excellence and fundamental research, applied research, training and mobility, structuring projects... We can support various types of initiatives



Axel’One collaborative innovation platform was created in 2011 to pool services, tools and skills aimed at reducing the costs and risks of industrial scale-up in the fields of advanced materials and innovative processes.

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OFSEP innovates with a new enhanced cohort. Some of the OFSEP registry patients will be followed-up on a yearly basis. Additional clinical, quality of life and other patient-reported data will be collected. This study aims at developing personalized predictive tools to improve patient care management, and help in making decision to start, maintain or adapt medical care.

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Cristal innov : a team and an expertise, excellence equipments and a high technology building in the service of your development and industrialization projects in the field of crystals and inorganic materials of high performance.

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Biomarkers in autoimmune EncephaliTis and Paraneoplastic neurological SYndromes: The BETPSY project aims to identify new biomarkers with their signaling pathways to produce diagnostic tools, to create new strategies to investigate mechanisms involved in immune diseases, and to design animal models.


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